
All birds, their nests and eggs are in the UK protected by law and can’t be captured, disturbed or harmed. Under special circumstances, when they pose a risk to the health and wellbeing of people, some of the species may be considered a pest. Primary type of treatment is proofing the property and housekeeping. If that fails and the birds still pose an environmental hazard, they can be removed from the site by licensed professionals. Our Technicians are fully trained on bird proofing and hold a licence to remove the birds if necessary. We always try to use non-lethal methods of control such as removing sources of food, proofing or humane life traps before using lethal methods.

Pigeon, photograph by Ellie Burgin

In the United Kingdom, two types of pigeons hold sway: the Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) and the Feral Pigeon (Columba livia domestica). These birds are a common sight—gracing our surroundings with their presence. While admired for their cooing, pigeons can also bring about concerns. Their droppings, though seemingly innocuous, can be hazardous to both human health and the structural integrity of buildings.


Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus): You might spot the Wood Pigeon in more natural places like woodlands and gardens. With its soft colors and a patch of white on its neck, it's a bit of a charmer. Wood Pigeons aren't strangers to city outskirts either. Weight: Around 460 grams. Wingspan: Approximately 72-77 centimeters.

Feral Pigeon (Columba livia domestica): If you've seen pigeons on city streets or perched on buildings, you're likely looking at Feral Pigeons. These adaptable birds are known for their iridescent feathers and their knack for finding food in urban environments. Weight: Varies from 238 to 380 grams. Wingspan: Roughly 64-72 centimeters.


To handle pigeon issues, there are a few things you can do. Using things like nets, spikes, or devices that make noise can discourage them from roosting or nesting. Keeping the area clean is also a good idea, as pigeons like to find food in scraps. If you're dealing with a bigger pigeon problem, it's a good time to reach out for professional help. Our experts know all about managing pigeons and can suggest the best steps, ensuring everything is done according to rules that protect the birds.

Contact us now for a free, non-obligatory survey.. Let's work together to make things better for you and your surroundings.

Gull, photograph by Nuno Veludo

Gulls bring a certain charm to coastal areas, but they also present distinct challenges. Their vocal nature and scavenging tendencies can lead to disturbances, particularly in urban settings. Additionally, their droppings can pose health risks to humans and cause damage to structures. Achieving a balance between appreciating these creatures and managing their impact requires a thoughtful approach.


Herring Gull (Larus argentatus): The quintessential coastal gull, the Herring Gull features a captivating white-and-gray plumage. Its yellow bill, accentuated with a red dot, sets it apart. With an imposing wingspan, this gull carries an air of authority. Weight: Varies, with an average around 1,000 grams. Wingspan: Typically ranges from 120 to 155 centimeters.

Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus): Distinguished by its dusky back and distinctive yellow legs, the Lesser Black-backed Gull exudes an elegant aura. Its preference for coastal areas underscores its close association with shorelines. Weight: Approximately 850 grams. Wingspan: Roughly measures between 115 and 130 centimeters.


Dealing with gull-related issues demands a strategic approach. Utilising visual deterrents like reflective objects or predator-themed decoys can discourage gulls from unwanted spaces. Maintaining cleanliness in public areas and managing food waste can diminish the appeal for scavenging gulls. For more complex challenges, seeking professional intervention can provide effective solutions.

If gull concerns are mounting, seeking professional guidance is a prudent step. We understand gull behavior intricately and can tailor strategies to manage their presence effectively. Abiding by regulations that protect both gulls and human well-being, our professionals offer guidance and solutions to restore harmony along the coastlines.Contact us now for a free, non-obligatory survey.