Flying Insects

Flying insects might seem harmless, but they can pose serious threats to both your health and property. Mosquitoes, flies, and other airborne pests are known vectors of diseases, transmitting illnesses that range from irritating to life-threatening. Their ability to spread bacteria and viruses can lead to outbreaks of diseases and cause allergic reaction.

Moth, photograph by Olaf Leillinger, distributed under a CC BY-SA 2 .5 license

Moths, while seemingly innocuous, can pose health hazards and property concerns. The fine dust from their larvae and droppings can trigger allergies and respiratory issues in sensitive individuals. Moreover, their penchant for munching through fabrics, carpets, and even leather can leave your belongings marred and tattered.


Clothes Moth (Tineola bisselliella):

Tiny, golden-colored moths.

Wingspan around 9-16 millimeters.

Larvae are creamy-white with a dark head.

Brown House Moth (Hofmannophila pseudospretella):

Distinctive pale gold color.

Wingspan of about 12-18 millimeters.

Larvae are yellowish-white and active.


Managing moth infestations requires a proactive approach. Domestic methods include storing clothes in airtight containers, regular cleaning, and vacuuming in hidden spaces where larvae may reside. Freezing infested items can also help eliminate pests. For more extensive issues, it's wise to reach out to professionals for a comprehensive solution tailored to your needs. Contact us now for a free, non-obligatory survey.

Flies, photograph by Vijay Putra

Flies, with their habit of frequenting waste and rotting materials, can carry pathogens and germs from these sources to our living spaces. This can result in the transmission of diseases like gastroenteritis and can cause food poisoning. Additionally, their presence in kitchens and dining areas can compromise food safety and hygiene.


Housefly (Musca domestica):

Medium-sized, gray with four dark stripes on the thorax.

About 6-7 millimeters in length.

Bluebottle Fly (Calliphora vomitoria):

Metallic blue-green color with large, reddish eyes.

Around 10-14 millimeters long.


Managing fly issues involves a two-pronged approach. Preventative measures include maintaining cleanliness and proper waste management. Covering food and using screens on windows and doors can also help minimise their entry. For more extensive infestations, seeking professional assistance is recommended, as they can tailor solutions to your specific situation. Contact us now for a free, non-obligatory survey.

Bees, photograph by Johann Piber

Bees, the industrious pollinators essential to our ecosystem, hold a vital role in sustaining plant life and agricultural productivity. In the United Kingdom, a few well-known bee species, such as the Honeybee (Apis mellifera) and the Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris), contribute to the delicate balance of nature. While bees are generally beneficial, their presence can occasionally lead to health concerns and property disturbances.


Honeybee (Apis mellifera):

Small and golden brown, often with darker bands.

About 10-15 millimeters in length.

Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris):

Robust and fuzzy, varying in color and size.

Approximately 6-25 millimeters in length.


Managing bee-related issues requires a cautious approach, given their crucial role in pollination. Preventative measures include sealing potential entry points and avoiding nesting sites. If a nest is located in an inconvenient place, it's best to seek professional advice. It's important to remember that bees are vital pollinators, and their protection should be prioritised. Contact us now for a free, non-obligatory survey.

Wasps, photograph by Pixabay

Wasps play a role in controlling pest populations by preying on insects, but their stings can pose health hazards. Allergic reactions to wasp stings can range from mild discomfort to severe, life-threatening conditions. Additionally, their nesting behaviors can lead to structural damage and inconvenience.


There are about 900 species of wasps in the UK. The most commonly seen creating nests are Common wasps (Vespula vulgaris).

Yellow and black coloration.

Around 10-15 millimeters in length.


Managing wasp issues requires a cautious approach due to their stinging behavior. Preventative measures include sealing entry points and minimising attractants like food waste. When dealing with a nest, it's recommended to contact a professional, as attempting removal without proper equipment can be dangerous. Contact us now for a free, non-obligatory survey.